F.A.Q. по ремонту и обслуживанию копиров


An error is identified in

Код ошибки



An error is identified in the communication between the sorter and copier


The clock signal from the motor is absent for 250 ms or more


The clock signal from the motor is absent for 250 ms or more


The home position sensor (P17) fails to go OFF when an equivalent of 2560 pulses of the motor drive command has been generated


The stapler unit swing sensor (MS9) fails to go ON within 500 ms after the motor drive command has been generated. MS9 fails to go back OFF within 1000 ms after it has gone ON


The lead cam home position sensor (P12) fails to go OFF within 2000 ms after the motor drive command has been generated. P12 fails to go back ON within 2000 ms after it has gone OFF

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